What is actually a slightly negative thought is turned into something positive here: wishful memories. (But it would also be possible the other way around: avoiding a negative memory). 60. "I lost my bulges... and saved money too" The word "bulges" is a stopper. You don't see that very often in a headline. Also, here we have a double benefit: the desired result and the money saved! 61. Why (brand name) lightbulbs are giving more light this year Schwab says here that putting the name of the company or brand in the headline is actually not a good idea. Davig Ogilvy has a very different opinion.
He even endorses it. But nevertheless. When done right (and it's the case here), it works very well. Here, the headline doesn't reveal all of the entire story. 62. Right and wrong growing methods - And little hints that will increase your profits Profitable headline reprinted in farmer's and farmer's magazines. Here we have a combination of a positive Israel phone number list and negative effect. 63. New cake improver brings you compliments galore! This headline does 3 things: it reveals what the product is; it reveals what the product does; and she reveals what other people will say about you - how they will admire you, be jealous, emit you. And all this only thanks to the product. Immediately you created a nice bridge between the reader and your product.
Because of you people will think more of me ". Everything done right. 64. Imagine... mesmerizing an audience for 30 minutes A profitable, narrative headline that appeals to a wide audience. This makes the headline and the topic look very human and credible. 65. This is Marie Antionette - Towards Destruction This is an often-repeated heading for a book set. It's also the only headline in this list that only appeals to curiosity. 66. Have you ever seen a "telegram" from your heart? . It literally sucks you into the actual text. "What does my heart want to tell me?". 67. Now any car repair can be a breeze for you The word "child's play" in an ad? Very well chosen.
Futemax I really appreciate your effort in putting together such a comprehensive post. It’s a great guide.